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The Bloodening

The bloodening is a group project that i worked on with 10 other university students 

We spent 7 weeks planning and developing a game on Unreal engine.

The bloodening is a survival shooter inspired by Call of Duty zombies but with a twist.

Instead of guns the player uses a blood gun that uses different blood types to harm the enemy 

Features i created:

As part of the tech design and coding team i worked on multiple different aspects of the game during the 7 weeks of development.


The first mechanic i worked on was the zipline.

I based it off the Uncharted zipline as an example.

The zipline would only be activated if you go close to it and have enough points to purchase a one time use


The teleporter was another mechanic that i was very keen on making as it was something i had never done before and was ready for the challenge,

The teleporter has a UI that toggled when you went close to it but could only be used if you found the missing teleporter parts and had enough money. The teleporter also had a cooldown to stop it for being abused and exlpoited in game.

-Shop UI:

During development i also worked on all of the game UI and Shop UI

i focused alot on the design aspect of it as i wanted to make it look clean but also have alot of functionality to it

The shop UI pops up after you complete each wave of enemies and gives you a certain amount of time to buy what you can before the next wave begins. You could buy buildables , consumables and explosives.

Weapon Unlocks:

This is another mechanic inspired by Call of duty zombies . I created different variations of the main blood gun and made it so that you could buy upgrades to the weapon throughout the map depending on where you go. There was a sniper , machine gun etc.

By the end of development we were also able to add mesh changes to the gun according to what you had selected


  • All UI in game (Pause menu , Main menu etc)

  • Initial Gun development 

  • Door Unlocks

  • Game economy 

  • Powerup drops

Contact me if you want to try any game out

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