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Rerilla Tanks


Rerilla Tanks was a University assignment. This was a Low poly tank game that had 2 gamemodes.

The Player vs Player mode

and a Pacman mode

PvP mode:

The pvp mode spawned 2 tanks on each side of the top down map and let the players battle it out.

The players would spawn with a default gun and could pickup weapons , health etc from the map.

The last player alive wins.

Pacman Mode:

Pacman mode was the gamemode i spent a long time developing because it was my first time using AI in Unreal Engine

The player spawned in a map surrounded by AI enemy tanks and the main objective was to stay alive and collect all pellets.

The player had a certain amount of lives to complete the objective otherwise its gameover.

The AI would patrol it's designated area and if it saw the player it would chase him. If collided with the AI would explode causing immediate damage to the opponent.

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